NFleet transportation planning
The planning system consists of two elements and transportation data.
Web applications
The system is a cloud service, no installation of programs is needed. Ordinary web browsers can be used. Planner can be opened in multiple parallel windows and several planning cases can be accessed at the same time. However, Converter is designed to be used only in a single window and for a single case at a time.
Control with input data
The leading idea in using the system is control by data - the input transportation data contains all needed controls and guides for planning and optimization. The user interfaces of Converter and Planner are simple operation controls and for editing the input data and for analyzing the results.
The simpliest planning cases can be done with minimum amount of data and parameters. The more complex cases will require more input data, respectively.
Converter for working with data
This is the data hub for importing the transportation data and for finalizing the results. The data can be copied and pasted from the Transportation Planning System (TMS) or any other data source. Also file import in text table format (CSV) is supported, as well as data integration through an API.
Data in the Converter tables can be edited by using the typical commands and shortcuts of a spreadsheet application. Formal errors in the data are highlighted. Data can be sent to the Planner only when no errors remain.
Planner for optimization
This is the VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) solver with supporting geographical services, including OpenStreeMap maps and a geocoding service for addresses. Several Planner cases can be open and active at the same time, these can support different scenarios in the planning work and can be open in several browser windows or tabs at the same time.